Research Publications
Since 2002:
2023 Heterogeneity in the Metastatic Microenvironment: JunB-Expressing Microglia Cells as Potential Drivers of Melanoma Brain Metastasis Progression. Orit Adir , Orit Sagi-Assif , Tsipi Meshel , Shlomit Ben-Menachem , Metsada Pasmanik-Chor , Dave S. B. Hoon , Isaac P. Witz and Sivan Izraely. Cancers 2023, 15, 4979
2023 A heterodimer of α and β hemoglobin chains functions as an innate anticancer agent. Maharrish Chelladurai , Dan Xu, Sivan Izraely , Shlomit Ben-Menachem, Roman Bengaiev, Orit Sagi-Assif , Weirong Yuan, Metsada Pasmanik Chor, Dave S Hoon , Wuyuan Lu , Isaac P Witz. Int. J. Cancer 1; 1-12
2023 The Vicious Cycle of Melanoma-Microglia Crosstalk: Inter-Melanoma Variations in the Brain-Metastasis-Promoting IL-6/JAK/STAT3 Signaling Pathway. Sivan Izraely, Shlomit Ben-Menachem, Sapir Malka, Orit Sagi-Assif, Matias A. Bustos, Orit Adir, Tsipi Meshel, Maharrish Chelladurai, Suyeon Ryu, Romela I. Ramos, Metsada Pasmanik-Chor,Dave S. B. Hoon and Isaac P. Witz. Cells 2023, 12, 1513
2022 LY6S, a New IFN-Inducible Human Member of the Ly6a Subfamily Expressed by Spleen Cells and Associated with Inflammation and Viral Resistance. Shmerling M, Chalik M, Smorodinsky NI, Meeker A, Roy S, Sagi-Assif O, Meshel T, Danilevsky A, Shomron N, Levinger S, Nishry B, Baruchi D, Shargorodsky A, Ziv R, Sarusi-Portuguez A, Lahav M, Ehrlich M, Braschi B, Bruford E, Witz IP, Wreschner DH. Immunohorizons. 2022 Apr 19;6(4):253-272
2022 Cancer microenvironment and genomics: evolution in process. Leong SP, Witz IP, Sagi-Assif O, Izraely S, Sleeman J, Piening B, Fox BA, Bifulco CB, Martini R, Newman L, Davis M, Sanders LM, Haussler D, Vaske OM, Witte M.Clin Exp Metastasis. 2022 Feb;39(1):85-99.
2021 Cancer drug resistance induced by EMT: novel therapeutic strategies. De Las Rivas J, Brozovic A, Izraely S, Casas-Pais A, Witz IP and Figueroa A. Archives of Toxicology.
2021 Cancer Microenvironment and Genomics: Evolution in Process. Leong S, Wiz IP, Sagi-Assif O, Izraely S, Sleeman J, Piening B, Fox B, Bifulco C, Martini R, Newman L, Sanders L, Haussler D, Vaske O, Witte M. Clinic Exp. Metastasis
2021 Constitutive low expression of antiviral effectors sensitizes melanoma cells to a novel oncolytic virus. Sarah Dellac , Hamutal Ben-Dov, Ayala Raanan , Hanna Saleem , Rachel Zamostiano , Rinat Semyatich, Sara Lavi , Isaac P Witz , Eran Bacharach , Marcelo Ehrlich .Int J of Cancer
2020 The melanoma brain metastatic microenvironment: aldolase C partakes in shaping the malignant phenotype of melanoma cells – a case of inter‐tumor heterogeneity. Sivan Izraely, Shlomit Ben‐Menachem, Orit Sagi‐Assif, Tsipi Meshel, Sapir Malka, Alona Telerman, Matias A. Bustos, Romela Irene Ramos, Metsada Pasmanik‐Chor, Dave S. B. Hoon , Isaac P. Witz. Molecular Oncology.
2020 Upregulation of cell surface GD3 ganglioside phenotype is associated with human melanoma brain metastasis. Romela Irene Ramos , Matias A Bustos , Jinfeng Wu , Peter Jones , Shu Ching Chang , Eiji Kiyohara, Kevin Tran , Xiaoqing Zhang , Stacey L Stern , Sivan Izraely , Orit Sagi-Assif , Isaac P Witz , Michael A Davies , Gordon B Mills , Daniel F Kelly , Reiko F Irie , Dave S B Hoon . Molecular Oncology.
2020 Inter-Tumor Heterogeneity-Melanomas Respond Differently to GM-CSF-Mediated Activation. Adi Moshe , Sivan Izraely , Orit Sagi-Assif, Sapir Malka , Shlomit Ben-Menachem , Tsipi Meshel , Metsada Pasmanik-Chor , Dave S B Hoon , Isaac P Witz . Cells
2020 The Challenge of Classifying Metastatic Cell Properties by Molecular Profiling Exemplified with Cutaneous Melanoma Cells and Their Cerebral Metastasis from Patient Derived Mouse Xenografts. Benjamin Neuditschko, Lukas Janker , Laura Niederstaetter , Julia Brunmair , Katharina Krivanek , Sivan Izraely , Orit Sagi-Assif , Tsipi Meshel , Bernhard K Keppler, Giorgia Del Favero , Isaac P Witz, Christopher Gerner . Molecular Cell Proteomics.
2019 Regeneration Enhances Metastasis: A Novel Role For Neurovascular Signaling in Promoting Melanoma Brain Metastasis. Roshini Prakash , Sivan Izraely, Nikita S. Thareja, Maya Rappaport, Riki Kawaguchi, Rex H. Lee, Orit Sagi-Assif, Shlomit Ben-Menachem, Tsipi Meshel, Michal Machnicki, Shuichi Ohe, Dave S. Hoon, Giovanni Coppola, Isaac P. Witz, S Thomas Carmichael. Frontiers in Neuroscience
2018 The Metastatic Microenvironment: Melanoma-Microglia Cross-Talk Promotes the Malignant Phenotype of Melanoma Cells. Izraely S, Ben-Menachem S, Sagi-Assif O, Telerman A, Zubrilov I, Ashkenazi O, Meshel T, Maman S, Orozco JIJ, Salomon MP, Marzese DM, Pasmanik-Chor M, Pikarsky E, Ehrlich M, Hoon DSB, Witz IP. International Journal of Cancer
2018 Cystatin C takes part in melanoma-microglia cross-talk: possible implications for brain metastasis. Moshe A, Izraely S, Sagi-Assif O, Prakash R, Telerman A, Meshel T, Carmichael T, Witz IP. Clinical & Experimental Metastasis
2016 Hexokinase 2 is a determinant of neuroblastoma metastasis. Botzer LE, Maman S, Sagi-Assif O, Meshel T, Nevo I, Yron I, Witz IP. British Journal of Cancer
2015 Vemurafenib resistance selects for highly malignant brain and lung-metastasizing melanoma cells. Zubrilov I, Sagi-Assif O, Izraely S, Meshel T, Ben-Menahem S, Ginat R, Pasmanik-Chor M, Nahmias C, Couraud PO, Hoon DS, Witz IP. Cancer Letters
2015 Astrocytes facilitate melanoma brain metastasis via secretion of IL-23. Klein A, Schwartz H, Sagi-Assif O, Meshel T, Izraely S, Ben Menachem S, Bengaiev R, Ben-Shmuel A, Nahmias C, Couraud PO, Witz IP, Erez N. The Journal of Pathology
2015 The metastatic microenvironment: Claudin-1 suppresses the malignant phenotype of melanoma brain metastasis. Izraely S, Sagi-Assif O, Klein A, Meshel T, Ben-Menachem S, Zaritsky A, Ehrlich M, Prieto VG, Bar-Eli M, Pirker C, Berger W, Nahmias C, Couraud PO, Hoon DS, Witz IP. International Journal of Cancer
2013 The metastatic microenvironment: lung-derived factors control the viability of neuroblastoma lung metastasis. Maman S, Edry-Botzer L, Sagi-Assif O, Meshel T, Yuan W, Lu W, Witz IP. International Journal of Cancer
2012 The metastatic microenvironment: Brain-derived soluble factors alter the malignant phenotype of cutaneous and brain-metastasizing melanoma cells. Klein A, Sagi-Assif O, Izraely S, Meshel T, Pasmanik-Chor M, Nahmias C, Couraud PO, Erez N, Hoon DS, Witz IP. International Journal of Cancer
2012 The metastatic microenvironment: brain-residing melanoma metastasis and dormant micrometastasis. Izraely S, Sagi-Assif O, Klein A, Meshel T, Tsarfaty G, Pasmanik-Chor M, Nahmias C, Couraud PO, Ateh E, Bryant JL, Hoon DS, Witz IP. International Journal of Cancer
2011 Lung-residing metastatic and dormant neuroblastoma cells. Edry Botzer L, Maman S, Sagi-Assif O, Meshel T, Nevo I, Bäuerle T, Yron I, Witz IP. American Journal of Pathology
2010 The 5th international conference on tumor microenvironment: progression, therapy and prevention Versailles, France, October 20-24, 2009: conference summary. Mohla S, Witz IP. Cancer Microenvironment
2010 Chemokine-chemokine receptor axes in melanoma brain metastasis. Izraely S, Klein A, Sagi-Assif O, Meshel T, Tsarfaty G, Hoon DS, Witz IP. Immunology Letters
2010 Gene-Expression-Based Analysis of Local and Metastatic Neuroblastoma Variants Reveals a Set of Genes Associated with Metastatic Progression. Nevo I, Oberthuer A, Edri-Botzer L, Sagi-Assif O, Maman S, Pasmanik-Chor M, Kariv N, Fischer M, Yron I and Witz IP. International Journal of Cancer
2009 The Involvement of Fractalkine Receptor in Bone Marrow-Endothelium Transmigration of Neuroblastoma Cells. Nevo I, Sagi-Assif O, Meshel T, Ben-Baruch A, Jöhrer K, Leider Trejo L, Kharenko O, Yron I and Witz IP. Cancer Letters.
2008 Generation and Characterization of Novel Local and Metastatic Human Neuroblastoma Variants. Nevo I, Sagi-Assif O, Edry Botzer L, Amar D, Maman S, Kariv N, Leider-Trejo LE, Savelyeva, L, Schwab M, Yron I and Witz IP. Neoplasia.
2008 E-Selectin Regulates Gene Expression in Metastatic Colorectal Carcinoma Cells and enhances HMGB1 Release. Aychek T, Miller K, Sagi-Assif O, Israeli-Amit M, Levi-Nissenbaum O, Pasmanik-Chor M, Jacob-Hirsch J, Amariglio N, Rechavi G and Witz IP. International Journal of Cancer.
2007 The Involvement of the Sialyl Lewis-A Selectin Ligand in the Extravasation of Human Colorectal Carcinoma Cells. Ben David T, Sagi-Assif O, Meshel T, Yron I and Witz IP. Immunology Letters
2007 CXCL10 promotes invasion-related properties in colorectal carcinoma cells. Zipin A, Meshel T, Sagi-Assif O, Shalmon B, Witz IP, Ben-Baruch A.
2006 The Pyst2-L phosphatase is involved in cell-crowding. Levy-Nissenbaum O, Ben-Menachem S, Sagi-Assif O, Witz IP. Immunology Letters
2005 Cellular characteristics of neuroblastoma cells: regulation by the ELR(-)-CXC chemokine CXCL10 and expression of a CXCR3-like receptor. Goldberg-Bittman L, Sagi-Assif O, Meshel T, Nevo I, Levy-Nissenbaum O, Yron I, Witz IP, Ben-Baruch A. Cytokine
2004 Tumor-microenvironment interactions: the fucose-generating FX enzyme controls adhesive properties of colorectal cancer cells. Zipin A, Israeli-Amit M, Meshel T, Sagi-Assif O, Yron I, Lifshitz V, Bacharach E, Smorodinsky NI, Many A, Czernilofsky PA, Morton DL, Witz IP. Cancer Research
2004 The expression of the chemokine receptor CXCR3 and its ligand, CXCL10, in human breast adenocarcinoma cell lines. Goldberg-Bittman L, Neumark E, Sagi-Assif O, Azenshtein E, Meshel T, Witz IP, Ben-Baruch A. Immunology Letters
2004 The tumor microenvironment: CXCR4 is associated with distinct protein expression patterns in neuroblastoma cells. Nevo I, Sagi-Assif O, Meshel T, Geminder H, Goldberg-Bittman L, Ben-Menachem S, Shalmon B, Goldberg I, Ben-Baruch A, Witz IP. Immunology Letters
2004 Does the dual-specificity MAPK phosphatase Pyst2-L lead a monogamous relationship with the Erk2 protein? Levy-Nissenbaum O, Barak E, Burg TG, Sagi-Assif O., Kloog Y, Witz IP. Immunology Letters
2004 Characterization of the dual-specificity phosphatase PYST2 and its transcripts. Levy-Nissenbaum O, Sagi-Assif O, Witz IP. Genes Chromosomes Cancer
2003 cDNA microarray analysis reveals an overexpression of the dual-specificity MAPK phosphatase PYST2 in acute leukemia. Levy-Nissenbaum O, Sagi-Assif O, Raanani P, Avigdor A, Ben-Bassat I, Witz IP. Methods Enzymol
2003 The dual-specificity phosphatase PYST2 is constitutively highly expressed in myeloid leukemia and other malignant cells. Levy-Nissenbaum, O., Sagi-Assif, O., Kapon, D., Hantisteanu, S., Burg, T., Raanani, P., Avigdor, A., Ben-Bassat, I. and Witz IP. Oncogene
2003 Over expression of the dual-specificity MAPK phosphatase PYST2 in acute leukemia. Levy-Nissenbaum, O., Sagi-Assif, O., Raanani, P., Avigdor, A., Ben-Bassat, I. and Witz, IP. Cancer Letters
2003 Progression of mouse mammary tumors: MCP-1-TNFa cross-regulatory pathway and clonal expression of pro-malignancy and anti-malignancy factors. Neumark, E., Sagi-Assif, O., Shalmon, B., Ben-Baruch, A. and Witz, IP. International Journal of Cancer
2003 cDNA microarray analysis reveals an over expression of the dual-specificity MAPK phosphatase PYST2 in acute leukemia. Levy-Nissenbaum, O., Sagi-Assif, O., Raanani, P., Avigdor, A., Ben-Bassat, I. and Witz, IP. Meth. Enzymology